Health Office
Emergency forms are necessary for each child. If a child becomes ill or injured in school, parents will be contacted first. If the school is unable to contact the parents, the alternate person on the emergency form will be called. Please notify the school when changes in telephone numbers and alternate persons occur during the year. FIRST AID SERVICES The health office is located in the front school office, and is used for ill or injured children during school hours. If a child is too ill to remain in class, parents will be called to pick up the child. If a child is injured in school, the parents will be notified regarding a serious injury and asked to pick up their child. Health Care is administered by licensed staff who are CPR and first aid certified. IMMUNIZATIONS Minnesota School Immunization Law requires the following immunizations before entering kindergarten, unless otherwise exempt for medical reasons or conscientious beliefs of the parent or guardian.
- DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis); 5 doses
- Polio; 4 doses
- MMR (measles, mumps, rubella); 2 doses
- Hepatitis B; 3 doses
- Varicella (Chicken Pox); 2 doses
MEDICATION District 831 has a medication policy which states that NO MEDICATIONS (including over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol or Advil) will be given in school without a written order from a doctor and a parent's written permission. Medication authorization forms may be obtained from the school office or doctor's clinic. The medication must be in a current prescription bottle or original bottle for over-the-counter medication. Parents are requested to bring medication to school rather than sending it with their child.
Pre-Arranged Absence Form PUPIL’S HEALTH RECORD A health record is kept for each child. This health record includes hearing and vision screening results, immunization dates, and other health related information. The health record is updated annually. If your child has a specific health problem, please document this on the emergency form and inform the school nurse, or principal. VISION AND HEARING SCREENING Vision and hearing screening will be completed according to State Health Department recommendations. Parents will be notified by the school if a professional examination is necessary. Contact the school for special vision and hearing requests.